Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1581. which grow in soil?


1582. By which income individual"s actual standard of living can be assessed?

Disposable Personal Income

1583. Which type of glass is used in making lenses and prisms?

Flint glass

1584. If saving exceeds investment; how will the national income?

Remain constant

1585. In which type of climate does the temperature never rise above 10°C throughout the year?

Tundra Climate

1586. Which bacteria helps in improving the soil fertility?


1587. Who is entitled to initiate a Bill for Constitutional Amendments?

Either House of Parliament

1588. With which did the Civil Disobedience Movement in India commence?

The Dandi March

1589. The basic architecture of computer was developed by ?

John Von Neumann

1590. Srirangapatnam is on the bank of which River?



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