Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2181. Which place was captured by Israel from Jordan ?

West Bank

2182. The monuments at Khajuraho belong to the period of which rular?


2183. Headquarters of UNDP is at?

New York

2184. Who is the author of “A Tale of Two Cities”?

Charles Dickens

2185. When water is heated from 0 degree C to 20 degree C, how does its volume change?

It shall increase

2186. Who is the author of Interpretation of Dreams’?

Sigmond Freud

2187. Who performed India's first heart transplantation on 3rd August 1994?

Dr. Venugopal of All India Institute of Medical Science

2188. Which layer of the atmosphere provides ideal conditions for flying of jet aeroplanes?


2189. Which is the only survivor of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World ?

Great Pyramid at Giza

2190. Where are the oceanic current named as ‘Kuroshio, Kurile and Alaskan’ located?

North Pacific Ocean


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