Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3231. Iliad and Odyssey are the two famous Greek epics written by?


3232. Organization Of Economic Co-Operation & Development (OECD) was established on ?


3233. Which is the largest elephant park in the world?

Punnathur Kotta Elephant Sanctuary

3234. Who is the author of “After the Dark Night”?


3235. Theory of Population was stipulated by?

Thomas Malthus

3236. Which proper order of seismic waves as they are received at seismograph station?

P-wave; S-wave; L-wave

3237. Who is the author of “ Shalimar”?

Manohar Malgonkar

3238. Who is the author of the book ‘Nice Guys Finish Second’?

Michael Hammer

3239. Of which influence does the sculptures of the Gandhara school reflect?


3240. In acronym SAARC, "C" stands for which word?



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