Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3281. In which sports Rajjyavardhan Rathore won a Silver medal in the Beijing Olympics?


3282. Who is the author of Years of Pilgrimage ?

Raja Ramanna

3283. Which mountain range stretches from Gujarat in west to Delhi in the north?


3284. Who is the author of “IlIiad”?


3285. The Upanishads were translated into Persian by the orders of which rular?

Dara Shikoh

3286. After a no confidence motion is admitted to the Lok Sabha, who decides a date for the debate?

Lok Sabha Speaker

3287. How many member country were founder of the Southern African Development Community?


3288. Which is the type of movement that occurs during opening and closing of flower?

Nastic movement

3289. Which Act gave representation to Indians for the first time in the Legislature?

Government of India Act; 1935

3290. The Constitution of America was adopted in ?



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