Questions from Basic General Knowledge

501. When the temperature increases; what does the angle of contact of a liquid?


502. Finance Commission consists of howmany members?

A Chairman and three other members

503. The scientific name of Sparrow is?

Passer domesticus

504. Who com merited that Cripps Mission was a postdated cheque on a crashing bank?

Mahatma Gandhi

505. Which can be used for biological control of mosquitoes?


506. Who is the author of “Dharmapuranam”?

O.V Vijayan

507. Who is the author of Don Juan ?

Lord Byron

508. Which metal is used for making boats because it does not corrode by seawater?


509. Who is the inventor of Periodic Law?


510. With which did the Civil Disobedience Movement in India commence?

The Dandi March


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