Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1151. Who is the author of A Tale of Two Cities?

Charles Dickens

1152. In the context of the reign of Guptas and their successors, what is Vishti"?

Forced labour

1153. What is the title of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s autobiography?

Wings of Fire

1154. Who transferred his capital from Rajgir to Pataliputra?


1155. Who is the author of “‘Life and Times’”?


1156. Which country is the largest producer of Tea in the world?


1157. The Hundred years War (1338-1453) was fought between ?

England and France

1158. Who is the author of “Man and Superman”?


1159. How many kilometres are represented by 10 of latitude?

111 km

1160. Why does the phenomenon of "trade winds" takes place?

Due to convection of heat


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