Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1151. Who is the author of “Possession Two Virgins”?

Kamala Markandaya

1152. Which is a round worm that enters man"s body through the soles of the feet?


1153. Who is the author of I Follow the Mahatma ?

K M Munshi

1154. Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of which thing?

Magnesium bicarbonate

1155. Who is the inventor of Phonograph?


1156. With Which game is the Double Fault associated?


1157. By whom is Agricultural Income Tax assigned to the State Governments?

By the Constitution of India

1158. Which is a human right as well as a fundamental right under the Constitution of India?

Right to Education

1159. Which High Court has jurisdiction over the State of Arunachal Pradesh?


1160. To which work is Devichandraguptam related?

Chandra Gupta II


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