Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1181. Who is the author of “ Burial at Sea”?

Khushwant Singh

1182. Latin American Tea is known as?


1183. The 38th parallel separates which countries?

North Korea and South Korea

1184. The famous Koodalmanikyam Temple at Irinjalakkuda; dedicated to Bharata was a famous?

Jain temple.

1185. Which country are World’s leading producer of fertilizers?


1186. Ancient Babilonians; Hebrews; Phoenesians; Arabs etc belonged to which race ?

Semitic race

1187. National Institute of Communicable Diseases is located in ?


1188. What is the principle pathway of water translocation in angiosperms?

Xylem vessel system

1189. Who is the inventor of Paints?


1190. Tsunami is a large sea wave caused by an earthquake experienced along the coasts of which country?



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