Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1371. During which Five Year Plan was the total expenditure on agriculture the highest?

Fourth Five Year Plan

1372. The IMF and the World Bank (IBRD) came into existence as a result of ?

The Bretton Woods Conference

1373. Who is the author of “ Harinama Keerthanam “?


1374. What was the name of the Atom bomb dropped in Nagasaki known as?

'Fat man'

1375. Who is the inventor of Malaria Parasite?

Dr.Ronald Ross

1376. Which are the Soils that developed in humid tropical regions?


1377. Which hormone contains iodine?


1378. Who opposed Mahatma Gandhi’s association with the Khilafat movement?

Mohammed Alix Jinnah

1379. Which State has the largest coastline in India?


1380. What is the mean of Invisible Export?

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