Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1401. Who was the 1st President of BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India)?

R.E. Grant Govan

1402. Who is the author of “Erupathinalu Vrutham”?


1403. Hitler became the President of Germany in ?


1404. To meet the growing needs for coins in the country; where does the Government propose to set up another mint?


1405. With which sport Chakkola Trophy is associated?


1406. Founder of Comintang Party?

Dr.Sunyat Sen

1407. The Arab Uprising is often referred to as?

Jamine Revolution

1408. First Tolkie Film?

Alam Ara (1931)

1409. How many times can the President of India return a Non-money Bill, passed by Parliament?


1410. 'Java' programming languages is developed by ?

James Gosling


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