Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1421. Test Tube baby was developed by ?

Patrick Sleptoe & Robert Edwards (1918)

1422. Which country is well known for diamond cutting industry?


1423. Central Research Laboratory is located at?

Chepauk; Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

1424. Who is the author of Choice of techniques?

Dr Amartya Sen

1425. In which city was Alexander Graham Bell born in 1847?


1426. By whom was the principle of ‘Black hole’ enunciated?

S. Chandrashekhar

1427. Which country leads in the production of rubber?


1428. Who is the author of lstanbal : Memoirs of a city?

Orhan Pamuk

1429. Who is the author of “. Lady with the Lap Dog”?

Anton Chekhov

1430. Which blood vessel bringing blood into Bowman"s capsule?

Afferent arteriole


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