Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1701. The Currency of Hong Kong?

Hong Kong Dollar

1702. ……is the market for very short term loans?

Money Market

1703. Who is the author of “ Odayil Ninnu “?

P. Kesava Dev

1704. Where did the Pallava kings make of rock-cut temples?


1705. Which is produced by rain water action?


1706. Who is the author of “Death of a Salesman (Drama)”?

Arthur Miller

1707. Who presided over The Payyannur Political Conference held in May 1928?

Jawaharlal Nehru

1708. What is the Mendel"s principles of inheritance?

Sexual reproduction

1709. Who is the author of “Lord Of the Flies”?

Sir William Golding

1710. First Democratic President of South Africa is ?

Nelson Mandela


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