Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1821. Who is the author of “New Dimensions of India's Foreign Policy”?

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

1822. BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity from which disease?


1823. Who is the author of “Pamela”?

Samuel Richardson.

1824. Where are the oceanic current named as ‘Kuroshio, Kurile and Alaskan’ located?–

North Atlantic Ocean

1825. Milk is a rich source of all vitamins except ?

Vitamin C.

1826. What is the most abundant element on the earth"s crust by weight?


1827. Which is the chief characteristics of wet and dry tropics?

Constant heating

1828. Who is the father of Alexander the Great?

Philip II (359 - 336BC)

1829. Which is the world's busiest Airport in the world?

Chicago International Airport

1830. Ludhiana is on the bank of which River?



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