Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2071. Who is the inventor of Telescope (Reflecting)?


2072. For outstanding contribution to which field is Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize given?


2073. Who invented the Compact Disc?

James T. Russell

2074. Golden Age of Rome is the period of?

Augustus Caesar

2075. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man?

120 mm and 80 mm

2076. Longest Canal (India)?

Saradha Canal (Uttar Pradesh)

2077. What is the best conductor of electricity?

Salt water

2078. Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was formed in ?


2079. Which Peshwas was popularly known as Nana-Saheb?

Balaji Baji Rao

2080. Which King of Travancore formulated the first Legislative Council in an Indian State in 1888?

Sri Mulam Thirunal


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