Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2061. G-15; an economic grouping of developing countries of Asian; African and Latin American countries; was formed in?

Malaysia in 1990

2062. Hitendra Desai was a noted figure in which field?


2063. Largest endocrine gland human body is ?

Thyroid gland

2064. The year 1995 is the golden Jubilee year of which international organizations?


2065. The technique of DNA finger printing has been developed by ?

Prof. Alec Jeffreys

2066. Who is the author of Business at the Speed of Thought ?

Bill Gates

2067. Who is the author of “the Professor; ”?

Charlotte Bronte

2068. What does lattitude place indicate?


2069. Jetayu Para, a giant rock, is located at?

Chadayamangalam (Kollam)

2070. Who is considered as the father of the nation of Bolivia?

Simon Bolivor


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