Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2051. Who is the author of Summer in Calcutta?

Kamala Das

2052. Who is the author of Airport ?

Arthur Halley

2053. Anglicanism was led in England by ?

King Henry VlII and Queen Elizabeth

2054. Who said; ‘Child is the father of Man’?

William Wordsworth

2055. Which is the largest flower in the world ?


2056. Radcliffe Line separates?

India and Pakistan

2057. Central Electronic Engineering Research Institute is located at?

Pilani (Rajasthan).

2058. With which name of the particle ‘Boson’ is associated?

S. N. Bose

2059. How is Missile ‘Astra’?

A air to air missile

2060. What is the minimum permissible age for employment in any factory or mine?

14 years


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