Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2041. Father of Virology?


2042. Which was a journal brought out by Abul Kalam Azad?

Al -Hilal

2043. The Chola empire reached its zenith under which ruler?

Rajendra Chola I

2044. French Revolution started on?

14th July 1789

2045. A person who lives exclusively on milk, egg and bread is likey to become a victim of which desease?


2046. Which Scale is used for recording weather condition?


2047. What is responsible for the conduction of water in plants?


2048. During the reign of which Indian National Congress banned and over 1;20;000 persons were arrested?

Lord Willingdon

2049. Who is the author of Worshipping False Gods ?

Arun Shourie

2050. Pazhassi's first revolt was in ?

1793 – 1797


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