Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2101. Who is the author of Hungry Stones ?

Rabindranath Tagore

2102. Of which treaty was the Third Carnatic War ended?


2103. From where did Mahatma Gandhi start his historic Dandi March?

Sabarmati Ashram

2104. To which country Gabriel Garcia Marquez belongs?


2105. Which is called as the greatest Attakkada of all time?

Unnayi Wartier's Nalacharitam in four parts

2106. Singing Bird?


2107. By whom is the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee appointed?


2108. Who is the author of Man Who Changed China ?

Pearl S. Buck

2109. Who is the author of The Grapes of Wrath?

John Steinbuck

2110. In the realm of coal production in the world; what is the rank of India?



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