Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2361. Which was the original name of Tansen; the famous musician in the court of Akbar?

Ramtanu Pande

2362. Under which Article of the Constitution is the President’s rule promulgated on any State in India?


2363. Anaxagoras and Euclid were famous Mathematicians from ?


2364. Which General of Ala-ud-din Khilji; was known as the Rustam of the age and the hero of the time?

Malik Kafur

2365. Which Mughal king tried to stop the practice of sati?


2366. Amravati; Bhavani; Hemavati and Kabini are tributaries of which river?


2367. Which is the first Police Museum in India?

The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Police Museum; Kollam

2368. Who was known as 'Garbhasreeman'?

SwathiT hirunal

2369. One the banks of which. river were Alexander and Porus involved in a grim battle?


2370. The year in which Gandhiji visited Sree Narayana Guru at Sivagiri was?



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