Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2451. Who is the author of “Martyr”?

Kuldip Nayar

2452. Which is the river with highest tidal bore in India?


2453. Which is the worshipping centre of the Jews?


2454. By what name is the Ganga known in Bangladesh?


2455. The "Paditrupputtu" is a collection of poems in the praise of which king?


2456. Who is the author of “Deccameron Stories”?

Giovanni Boccaccio

2457. What is common between Kutty; Shankar; Laxman and Sudhir Dar?

Drawing Cartoons

2458. If the face value of the money is greater than the intrinsic value of the money; it is termed as?

Fiat Money

2459. Which coastline formed by the submergence of mountain ridges running parallel to the coast?

Dalmation coast

2460. If you had Tritonopia what would you not see?

Colour Blue


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