Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2461. Who is the author of “ Greater Common Good”?

Arundhati Roy

2462. Which is the largest Committee of the Parliament?

The Estimates Committee

2463. In Islam what is the third piller of wisdom ?

Charity - 2.5 % of income (there's 5 in total)

2464. Who is the author of India for a Billion Reasons?

Amit Dasgupta

2465. Who is the author of “ Bend in the Ganges”?

Manohar Malgonkar

2466. Who is the author of My Life; Law and Other Things?

M C Setal vad

2467. In which schedule is the list of items which may be entrusted to the Panchayats given?

Eleventh Schedule

2468. Which region is leading producer of “bort” variety of diamond in the world?


2469. Which is the chief characteristic of wet and dry tropics?

Constant heating

2470. Which first Europeans came to India?



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