Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2481. Which is the anti-knocking compound used in petrol-engines?

Tetra-ethyl Lead

2482. In 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered four moons of which planet?


2483. Through which material does sound travel slowest?


2484. By which act was the office of Governor General of India created?

Government of India Act; 1858

2485. Madrid is on the bank of which River?


2486. Insects which feed on waste material such as dead bodies; debris etc are called?


2487. Seismic Research Centre is located at?

Gaurividanur near Bangalore (Karnataka).

2488. Who is the author of “Emperor Jones (Drama)”?

Eugine O'Neil

2489. Which is not an award given on the National Awards Day?

Vishwamitra Award

2490. Tall grass grasslands of North America are called ?



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