Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2491. Who is known as 'Golden Girl'?

P T Usha

2492. Who is the author of India-China War ?

Neville Maxwell

2493. Where was the first Hydro Electric Project setup in Kerala ?


2494. Who is the inventor of Mathematics (India)?


2495. Which Gupta ruler defeated the Huna ruler, Mihirakula?


2496. What was the most profound influence on the drafting of the Indian Constitution?

Government of India Act; 1935

2497. Total number of members countries of The group of 77 is?


2498. Who was called as ‘Father of Indian Renaissance’?

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

2499. City of Rome was bilt by by ?

Romulas and Remus

2500. In India famous Bengal famine occurred in 1942 by which disease?

Leaf spot of rice


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