Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2511. The first ministerial conference of WTO was held in?

Singapore from Dec; 9-13; 1996

2512. Eric Arthur Blaire was the real name of which author?

George Orwell

2513. The American President James A Garfield was assassinated in?


2514. Who is the creator of the famous character “Tess”

Thomas Hardy

2515. The Pacific Islands from New Guinea south east-wards to the Fiji Islands’ what is this group called?

The Mellanesia

2516. What is the middle name of the world class batsman Sachin Tendulkar?


2517. OPEC was established with a view to?

Control production and pricing of crude oil

2518. The Capital of Tuvalu?


2519. Ezra Cup is associated with?


2520. "The Last Supper' a fresco painting in Milan; is a famous painting of ?

Leonardo Da Vinci


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