Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2521. What is the effect of overseretion of harmone from pituitary gland?

Increase growth in lenght

2522. Frontal rain is caused which activity?

Cyclonic activity

2523. Silent valley having rare plant and animal is located in which state?


2524. When is World Malaria Day; recoginzed by the WHO observed?


2525. Twinkenhem (England) is associated with which Sport?


2526. Who is the author of “Saz-i- Watan”?

Munshi Prem Chand

2527. Thinnest skin human body is ?

Conjunctiva (eyelid)

2528. Which organization issue the rules of global trade?

World Trade Organization

2529. At which of the following places watches will show 30 A.M. when it is 00 midnight G.M.T.?

New Delhi

2530. Who is the creator of the famous character “Don Juan”

Lord Byron


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