Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3121. Religious book of Parsis?

Zend Avesta

3122. Who wrote the book ‘Planned Economy for India’?

M. Visvesvaraya

3123. Who made the first strong roads in England with the help of small stones?

John Macadam; an engineer of Scotland

3124. The Kalachuri era counted from A.D. 248 what was mostly in currnet?


3125. Who is the author of “ Untouchable”?

Mulk Raj Anand

3126. Which colloidal solution is commonly used as germ killer?

Colloidal sulphur

3127. Theory and History was written by ?

Ludwig von Mises

3128. What is the transfer of pollengrain from pollensac to stigma called?


3129. Which is the first Indian woman to reach Olympic finals in individual track events?

P. T. Usha

3130. ‘Lady lost in Thought’ is a famous painting of?

Raja Ravi Varma


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