Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3321. Which Diwan was respectfully referred to as 'Valia Diwanji'?

Raja Kesava Das

3322. Where was Shivaji crowned as an independent king?


3323. Who was the propagator of Advaita philosophy?


3324. Gun Powder was invented by?

The Chinese

3325. The period when man began to use Bronze tools and weapons is known as?

Bronze Age

3326. Which state has the largest number of salt lakes in India?


3327. With reference to the Revolt of 1857; who laid siege to Jhansi in March 1858?

Sir Hugh Rose1

3328. Who was the founder of Sunga dynasty?


3329. Who is the author of The Future of India: Economics ?

Bimal Jalan

3330. The only district in Kerala where garlic is cultivated?



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