Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3311. By which rular was the new element of "Gopuram" encouraged in temples of South India?


3312. The World Cup Cricket Twenty-20 title in the 2012 was won by why country?


3313. Who is the author of We Need to Talk about Kevin?

Lionel Shriver

3314. Which country has the largest number of’ land-border neighbouring countries?


3315. Which part became modified as the tusk of elephant?

Second incisor

3316. Central Electronic Engineering Research Institute is located at?

Pilani (Rajasthan).

3317. Marthanda Varma was born in the year 1705 and came to the throne of Travancore in?


3318. Which state in India has the highest literacy?

Kerala with 93.91%

3319. Who was the Mughal emperor at the time of Ahmed Shah Abdali’s invasion of India?

Shah Alam II

3320. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or World Bank was established in?



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