Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3351. A Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha has to be passed/returned by Rajya Sabha within howmany days?

14 days

3352. Which decade is celebrated as United Nations Decade for Women?


3353. In which region of India was the Suharawadi order of Sufism popular?

Punjab and Sind

3354. According to the law of demand; what happens when price increases?

Demand decreases

3355. Who introduced The Secretariat System in Travancore ?

Col. Munro

3356. Wood pulp comes from which region?

Coniferous forest region

3357. International voluntary blood donation day is observed on which date?


3358. Who is the author of "An Idealist View of Life"?

Dr. S.Radhakrishnan

3359. Which country is not a member of SAARC?


3360. Why is the date April 6, 1930 known in Indian History?

Dandi March by Mahatma Gandhi


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