Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3541. Who was the first and the last woman ruler of Delhi?

Razia Sultan

3542. When it is 12:00 noon in India, what would be the time in San Francisco (USA)?

8 : 30 p.m. of previous day

3543. International voluntary blood donation day is observed on which date?


3544. What is the chemical formula for water glass?

Na2 SiO3

3545. What is a glass sided tank; bowl in which aquatic animals live?


3546. 28 Which order of monks are famous for their silence?


3547. How many gold medals did India win at the XIth Asian Games?


3548. What interested a nomologist?

Scientific Laws

3549. To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual; which symptom is mostly associated with?

Chronic diarrhoea

3550. Who is the author of War of Indian Independence ?

Vir Savarkar


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