Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3611. Who was the first man in space?

Yuri Gagarin

3612. Smallest Cell?

Pleuro Pneumonia Like organism (PPLO). It is a mycoplasma.

3613. In which district; have large reserves of diamond-bearing kimberlite been discovered in the recent past?


3614. The animal found in the advertisement board of forest department with the heading "I have no medicinal value" is?

Black ape.

3615. Which country produced 127 lakh metric tones fish in 2010?


3616. The Currency of Haiti?


3617. Where has the world’s largest monolithic statue of Buddha been installed?


3618. Where is Greeco-Roman influence in Indian art found?


3619. Which operation was the continuation of operation Desert storm?

'Operation Desert Fox'

3620. Who is the author of “The Grapes of Wrath”?

John Steinbuck


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