Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3721. What is the number of basic units in the International System of Units?


3722. Who is the author of Airport ?

Arthur Halley

3723. Photochemical smog occurs in which climate?

Warm; dry and sunny climate

3724. Which city is known as the City of Winds?


3725. When ore is heated generally in absence of air then what is process called?


3726. What is a Doldrums?

Tropical no-wind belt

3727. Who was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate ?


3728. If a material, placed in a magnetic field is thrown out of it, then how is the material?


3729. Largest Stadium?

Strahov Stadium. It can accommodate around 240; 000 people in Prague; Czech

3730. In Finland who rides a goat named Ukko ?

Santa Clause


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