Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3731. Who is the author of An American Dilemma?

Gunnar Myrdal

3732. What is in terms of the railway system India’s position in the world?


3733. Who was the tutelary diety of Ays?

Sri Padmanabha

3734. Which city is known as Berminhatam of Central Africa?

City of Moro in Central Africa

3735. During the Indian Freedom struggle, who started a journal “The Indian Sociologist” ?

Shyamji Krishna Varma

3736. Which kingdom was annexed to tile Mughal empire during the reign of Shahjahan?


3737. City of Rome was bilt by by ?

Romulas and Remus

3738. One who is devoted to books only for learning facts just for the purpose of scoring marks is called a?

Book worm

3739. Name the leader of Chinese Communist Party who became the first President of the People's Republic of China?

Mao Tse Tung

3740. Who is the author of “ Nadi “?

P. Kesava Dev


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