Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3751. By whom are the portfolios allocated to the ministers?

The Prime Minister

3752. Who is the author of “Men Who Kept the Secrets”?

Thomas Powers

3753. Neolithic period is also known as ?

New stone Age

3754. Pindar was a famous?

Greek Lyric Poet

3755. Who is the author of Prison Diary?

Jayaprakash Narayan

3756. Vascular cambium and corck cambium is the example of which thing?

Lateral meristem

3757. The famous work - An Essay on the Principle of Population is by ?

Thomas Malthus

3758. In which type of climate does the temperature never rise above 10°C throughout the year?

Tundra Climate

3759. Alice in Wonderland the famous TV Serial, is based on a book written by which author?

Lewis Caroll

3760. Who is the author of “Ascent of the Everest”?

Sir John Hunt


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