Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3931. Parthenocarpy fruit is obtained by which sprying phytohormone?


3932. Timur, the Lame invaded India during the reign of which ruler?

Mohammad Shah Tughlaq

3933. Who is the author of “Nuclear Weapons”?


3934. Which race is considered as the originators of the modem pattern of writing?


3935. Mesopotamian ruler who gave a famous code of law was?


3936. The temples built during the medieval period by which dynasty are known as "Seven Pagodas"?


3937. What is a graph is plotted taking °C along the Y-axis and of K along the X-axis?

Straight line

3938. Who is the creator of PASCAL language?

Nikalus Writh

3939. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research is located at?

Mumbai (Maharashtra)

3940. Who first imparted a mass character to the Indian National Congress?

Mahatma Gandhi


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