Questions from Basic General Knowledge

4151. During which reign was Buddhism split up" into the Hinayana and Mahayana sects at the Buddhist Council?


4152. Countries to the south of USA are collectively called ?

Latin America

4153. The Pacific Islands from New Guinea south east-wards to the Fiji Islands" what is this group called?

The Mellanesia

4154. Where is the headquarters of African Export and Import Bank?


4155. Which is the larger sector in developing countries?

Primary industry

4156. Rutherford"s scattering experiment related to the size of which thing?


4157. Who is the author of Light That Failed ?

Rudyard Kipling

4158. By whom was the agitation against the partition of Bengal led?

Surendranath Banerjee

4159. Who is the author of Sadar-i-Riyasat ?

Karan Singh

4160. Which type of rainfall occurs at places having continental type of climate?



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