Questions from Basic General Knowledge

431. First Woman President of Indian National Congress?

Dr. Annie Besant

432. Who appoints the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir?


433. Who is the author of “Murder in the Cathedral”?

T.S. Eliot

434. In which schedule is the list of items which may be entrusted to the Panchayats given?

Eleventh Schedule

435. First Place where atom bomb was dropped?


436. Pineal gland that secretes the hormone melatonin and seratonin; is also known as ?

Biological Clock

437. Which countries were involved in 100 year war?

England and France

438. Who is the grandson of Herman Gundert; winner the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946?

Herman Hesse

439. Who is the author of “Savithri”?

Aurobindo Ghosh

440. Who is the inventor of Flying Shuttle?

John Kay


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