531. If we sprinkle common salt on an earthworm; why does it die?
Due to osmotic shock
532. Which was the Chola king who conquered the northern part of Sri Lanka and made it a province of his empire?
533. Who is the author of “Surviving Men”?
Shobha De
534. Why is fog common around Newfoundland coast?
Because warm and cold currents meet
535. Denatured spirit is a mixture of ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and which other thing?
536. Which statement is true with respect to Leukaemia?
Number of WBCs increases in blood
537. Who is the creator of the famous characters "Antonio; Ariel; Bassanio;"?
538. Ben Johnson; the well known athlete belongs to which country?
539. Which is the highest mountain peak in India?
Mt. K2
540. What wass the name of the tax which the kings used to collect from the people in the Vedic period?