Questions from Basic General Knowledge

581. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research is located at?


582. Iron was accidently discovered by?

Neanderthal man

583. Water vapour is turned into water droplets by which process?


584. Who is the author of “Reprieve”?

Jean Paul Sartre

585. Who is the author of “Tsunami - 7 Hours that Shook the World”?

Satinder Blndra

586. Who is the author of “Without Fear or Favour”?

Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy

587. First Techno park in India is in ?


588. Mahodayapuram is the old name of?


589. Who is the author of “Parakumbol”?

Madhavikutty (Kamala Surayya)

590. Maginot Line separates?

France and Germany.


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