Questions from Basic General Knowledge

701. What does the emission of ß-particle?

Increases the atomic number by one

702. Which was the first Bank established in Kerala?

Nedungadi Bank

703. Which Sultan of Delhi, declared himself as a lieutenant of Caliph?


704. In India, in which industry are maximum number of workers employed?

Textile industry

705. Longest Railway Route?

Himsagar Express

706. Life Span of WBC is?

2-5 days

707. Who is the author of “ Rakthapushpangal “?

Changampuzha Krishna Pilla

708. Who is the author of Tales of Sherlock Holmes?

Sir Arthur Conan

709. What is the a biological process in which glucose and fat is oxidised to librate energy?


710. What was the earliest public association formed in the history of modern India in 1837?

The Landholder’s Society


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