Questions from Basic General Knowledge

701. In Greek mythology Deianeira was the wife of who?


702. Ministers in a State get salaries, by whom is it as determined?

State Legislature

703. Which disease is characterised by inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord?


704. E.C.G test is used to diagnose?

Heart Diseases

705. Who was the first Muslim ruler to formulate the theory of Kingship similar to the theory of divine right of King?


706. Who is the only American president who got all the electoral votes?

George Washington

707. Finance Commission consists of howmany members?

A Chairman and three other members

708. Who is the author of “A Passage to England “?

Nirad C. Chauduri

709. When was National Development Council set up?


710. How does retina in the eyes acts?

Film in the camera


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