Questions from Basic General Knowledge

721. A deuterium nucleus consists of which particles?

One proton and one neutron

722. Highest River Bridge?

Royal Gorge; 321 m above sea level on the river Arkansas; 268 m long; Colorado.

723. Which is the largest (in terms of turnover) Public Sector organisation in India?

Indian Oil Corporation

724. Who has written the book ‘My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir’?


725. Who is the author of “After the Dark Night”?


726. Who is the author of “Rains Came”?

Louis Bromfield

727. PET Scan is Positron Emission Tomography scan is used for studying?


728. Who is the author of King of Dark Chamber ?

Rabindranath Tagore

729. Who is the author of “Waiting for Godot”?

Thomas Becket

730. City Beautiful?



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