Questions from Basic General Knowledge

741. With which sport is Leroy Burrell associated?


742. By which is in practice the policy of the Government shaped?

The Cabinet

743. Which is the state that is top in the cultivation of flowers?

Tamil Nadu

744. Who is the author of “My Music; My Life”?

Ravi Shankar

745. Who is the author of King of Dark Chamber ?

Rabindranath Tagore

746. Who is the author of Yayati ?

V.S. Khandekar

747. Ottawa is on the bank of which River?


748. How does the earth rotate around its axis?

From west to east

749. Where did Velu Tampi Dalawa committed suicide?

in the house of the Potti of the Bhagavati temple at Mannadi.

750. Oder Neisse Line separates?

East Germany and Poland.


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