Questions from Basic General Knowledge

751. Which company’s shares were first traded in the Amsterdam Stock exchange?

The Dutch East India Company

752. Who is associated with the coinage of the name ‘United Nations’?

Franklin Roosevelt

753. Who is the author of “House Divided”?

Pearl S Buck

754. Mahodayapuram is the old name of?


755. Who is the author of “Rape of the Lock”?

Alexander Pope

756. On the basis of financial crisis how many times has emergency been declared by the President of India?

Not even once

757. National Environmental Engineering research institute is situated in which city?


758. The India government selected the The Rupee Symbol on?


759. What is the name of the Indian military operation in Kargil to expel the ussurpers?

'Operation Vijay' of 1999

760. Longest flying bird in the world is ?



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