Questions from Basic General Knowledge

771. Who is the author of “A Tribute to Indian Judiciary”?

Poornima Advani

772. Which part of the Earth"s surface receives the highest amount of insolation?

Tropical deserts

773. Araucaria embricate a gymnosperm plant is commonly known as ?

'Monkey's Puzzle'

774. If one wants to throw a cricket ball to the maximum distance, then at which angle should he throw it ?


775. ‘mho’ is the unit of which unit?


776. Who is the author of Search for Home; ?

A Sashti Brata

777. The couple between base units of DNA is through which bonding?

Hydrogen bonding

778. Radioactive distintegration of uranium ultimately results in which formation?


779. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology is located at?


780. The first known computer game is?

Space War


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