Questions from Basic General Knowledge

761. Who is the author of “ The Ground Beneath her Feet”?

Salman Rushdie

762. If you wish to visit Golconda Fort; you will have to go to which state?


763. Which place is known as the 'Gateway of the High Range?


764. The Boston Tea Party was in the year?


765. Which country is geographically situated in "the Ring of fire"?


766. Who is the author of Paradise Lost Paradise· Regained?

John Milton

767. When is World Poetry Day; recognized by the UNESCO observed?


768. The pre-monsoon mango showers occur predominantly in which state?

West Bengal and Assam

769. Who is the author of Buddha’s Warriors ?

Mikel Dunham

770. Who is the recipient of the 20th Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award?

D.R. Mehta


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