Questions from Basic General Knowledge

761. Which was a revolutionary who later turned into a yogi and a philosopher?

Aurobindo Ghosh

762. Who is the author of “Confessions of a Lover”?

Mulk Raj Anand

763. Journalist’s day was celebrated for the first time all over the country on which date?

Oct 1; 1984

764. In ancient India; at where was the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom?


765. Who is the author of “Buddha Charitam”?


766. Which is the hottest planet?


767. How many times was the term of the Lok Sabha extended upto years?


768. Human protein x – antitrysin is used for which disease?


769. Who is the author of Devdas?

Sharat Chandra Chatterjee

770. The Currency of Monaco?

French Franc


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