Questions from Basic General Knowledge

811. Who is the author of “Farewell to Arms”?

Ernest Hemingway

812. Milk is a rich source of all vitamins except ?

Vitamin C.

813. Which were the patrons of Sangam; an assembly of Tamil poets?


814. The celebrated novel ‘The Godfather’ was authored by which person?

Mario puzo

815. Who is the creator of the famous characters “Appukili; Ravi; Mollakka”


816. Which factory in Bengal; the was established by the Portuguese?


817. Who was the founder of the Radha Swami Satsang ?

Siva Dayal Saheb

818. The scientific name of Cashew is?

Anacardium Occidentale

819. By which a mixture of sand and naphthalene can be separated?


820. Which is the oldest atomic power station?



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