Questions from Basic General Knowledge

841. The annual average rate of net plant production is highest in which forests?

Temperate forest

842. First Open Prison was established at Nettukaltheri Trivandrum in the year?


843. Maoris are the inhabitants of which counrty?

New Zealand

844. 'Snow Country' is the book authored by ?

Kawabata Yasunari

845. "Juliet; Miranda; Othello;"


846. Which Indian was honoured by the World Statesman Award, 2012?

Stephen Harper

847. Longest Railway (Asia)?


848. 28 Which order of monks are famous for their silence?


849. Who established Fergusson College at Pune in the year 1885 ?

Deccan Education Society

850. If a proton of mass m is moving with velocity of light, how will its mass?



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