Questions from Basic General Knowledge

851. Who is the author of “ In a Free State”?


852. The Currency of Ecuador?


853. From which fund are the salary and allowances of the Governor charged?

Consolidated Fund of the State

854. Which place receives fainfall less than 20 cms?

Jammu and Kashmir

855. Which fish was declared as ths;official fish of Kerala in 2010?

Etroplus (pearl spot)

856. Which Indian rulers was a contemporary of Akbar?

Rani Durgawati

857. The Currency of Guyana?

Guyana Dollar

858. First Steam Locomotive' was invented by?

Trevithick in 1800

859. Which place is known as the 'Vrindavan of Kerala'?

Malampuzha gardens

860. Who established Fergusson College at Pune in the year 1885?

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