Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1001. Asia Oceanic is associated with?


1002. Who is the inventor of Pressure Cooker?

Dennis Papin Robert Boyle

1003. Who is the author of the book “Superstar India From Incredible to Unstopable”–

Sobha De

1004. Who is the author of Candida ?

George Bernard Shaw

1005. Which organ of the body is affected by Goitre?


1006. Which archaeologist initially discovered the Mohenjodaro site of the Indus Valley Civilization?

Rakhal Das Banerji

1007. In which year; some more commercial banks in addition to the first lot of 141 were nationalised in India?


1008. The first post office in Kerala was started in?

Alappuzha district

1009. Which animal had the Stone Age people first?


1010. Who is the author of Kim ?

Rudyard Kipling


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