Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1001. Who authored the ‘Gitanjali’; an anthology of poems?

Rabindranath Tagore

1002. Which ilement is in the highest amount in the composition of basalt rock?


1003. What was the name of the learned lady who is said to have debated with the famous law-giver Yajnavalkya?


1004. The Currency of San Marino?

Italian Lira

1005. Who is the author of “Indian Struggle”?

Subash Chandra Bose

1006. Princess Diana died in a car accident along with Dodi Al Fayed in?


1007. What calculating aid was invented by William Oughtred in 1662?

Slide Rule

1008. The Hindustan steel Ltd. Durgapur has been set up with the help of which country?

United kingdom

1009. The colour of blood is due to?


1010. Who is the author of “Confessions of a Thug”?



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