Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1311. The animals feeding on fruits are known as?


1312. In what commodity the English first conducted trade from India ?


1313. Name the first bank in the world?

Royal Bank of Scotland in 1728

1314. Who is the author of Men Who Kept the Secrets ?

Thomas Powers

1315. In which age the Man passed from the food gathering stage to the food producing stage?

Neolithic Age

1316. When did World Health Organization (WHO) come into force?

7th April; 1948

1317. When did the first Commonwealth Games take place?


1318. Who was the president of America to devalue the dollar In August -1971 due to economic troubles and the cost of financing the Vietnam War?

Richard Nixon

1319. Thus US formally entered the Second World War declaring war on Jappan on ?


1320. Who won the Man Booker Award in 2012?

Hilary Martel


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