Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1321. Muthanga wildlife sanctuary is located at?


1322. After howmany years does Halley’s comet appear once in a period?

76 years

1323. Which Rajput mansabdar revolted against Aurangzeb ?

Durgadas Rathore

1324. Which is the gas used to extinguish fire?

Carbon dioxide

1325. Which is the lightest gas?


1326. When viewed in white light, why do soap bubbles show colours?

Because of interference

1327. Which saint name is associated with Shivaji ?

Ram Das

1328. MPEG stands for?

Motion Picture Expert Group

1329. Socrates the Greatest of the Greek philosphers was forced to commit suicide by drinking which poison ?

Hemlock; in 399 BC

1330. Largest Cathedral?

Diocese of New York 11; 240 sq.m.


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