Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1321. How is the climate of India is?

Subtropical monsoon

1322. The pH of water at 25°C is When it is heated to 100°C; then what will be the pH of water?

Remains same

1323. First American to win Nobel Prize for Peace?

Theodor Roosevelt (1906)

1324. Syntaxial Bent is a feature of which range?


1325. Who is the author of “Being Digital”?

Nicholas Ncgroponte

1326. Which Rocks are formed by the solidification of lava on the earth"s surface?


1327. Father of Taxonomy?

Carolus Linnaeus

1328. What is abiotic component of ecosystem?


1329. First Prime Minister of India?

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

1330. When did Ikhtiyaruddin-bin-Bakhtiyar Khalji invade Bengal?

1206 AD


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